Dal quadro vegetale alla pentola: come coltivare le tue piante aromatiche per la cucina

From the vegetable framework to the pot: how to grow your own aromatic plants for the kitchen

Aromatics is a category of plants with multiple properties, mainly used in the kitchen to give dishes that extra touch of flavour. But what are the needs and care necessary for their cultivation?

aromatic plants

Aromatic plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on their needs for light, temperature and humidity . Many types of aromatic plants thrive outdoors in the garden or on the balcony, but can also be grown indoors in well-lit rooms, possibly near south-facing windows.

Most aromatic plants are perennials that prefer warm and temperate climates, so not all varieties are suitable for indoor cultivation, especially if you live in areas with harsh winters or cold climates. Aromatic plants grown indoors require greater attention to environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity and ventilation, to avoid the formation of diseases or the occurrence of problems due to lack of direct sunlight.

To grow aromatic plants inside your own home, you need to take into account some needs and necessary care. First of all, aromatic plants require a lot of light, so it is important to place them in a well-lit place, possibly near a south-facing window. Our advice is always to place them outside especially in the period from March to October .

Another important consideration is the choice of growing medium. Aromatic plants prefer well-drained, light and nutrient-enriched soil.

The cultivation of aromatic plants can be an excellent idea to always have fresh and natural herbs on hand to use in the kitchen . The aromatic and gustatory properties of these plants make them a precious decorative element . Choosing to grow aromatic plants inside or outside your home can represent an innovative and sustainable solution , which allows you to have a continuous supply of fresh aromatic herbs and avoid the production of waste associated with the purchase of products packaged in plastic .

Over the years we have tested the aromatic plants in the HOH! plant framework, the biggest obstacle was finding pot 9 seedlings suitable for the holes in the module. In fact, the aromatic plants are mainly found in the vase 12 and therefore it will be necessary to carry out a more thorough cleaning of the roots for their insertion inside the module . plant framework with aromatic plants

The choice of plants to grow in a plant framework is essential to ensure healthy and luxuriant growth of plants. It is important to choose plants that are adapted to the environmental conditions in which they will be grown, such as exposure to light, humidity and temperature.

In particular, as regards the choice of aromatic plants, it is important to select varieties that require the same watering and exposure needs. For example, some varieties of basil, such as tropical basil, are delicate plants that require frequent watering and high ambient humidity, making them less suitable for cultivation in a plant framework with other more rustic types of aromatic herbs present. Eventually, if you want basil, the suggestion can be that of a single theme basil, placed outside in the right season.

Conversely, more hardy herb plants such as thyme and rosemary require less water and adapt better to variable exposure conditions, making them ideal for growing in a more mixed planting composition.

aromatic plants in a small vertical garden

Aromatic plants need plenty of light and an adequate amount of water to grow healthily and luxuriantly . For this reason, cultivation in a HOH! it can be an ideal solution, as it allows you to obtain a source of fresh and natural aromatic herbs without taking up space on the ground and without requiring too much care.

Sphagnum moss, used as a natural substrate within the HOH! plant framework, is capable of retaining up to twenty times its weight in water, providing aromatic plants with a reserve of humidity that can last even a few days. In this way, manual irrigation from above through the micro-holes present in the plant framework becomes easier and less frequent than cultivation in pots on the ground.

One of the advantages of growing aromatic plants in HOH! is the ease of maintenance. The anti-drip system with collection tank on the bottom prevents excess water from damaging the roots of aromatic plants or the support surface. Furthermore, the design of the plant frame allows you to avoid clutter on the ground and to create suggestive and multi-sensory corners, perfect for those who love to experiment in the kitchen and want to always have fresh aromatic herbs close at hand.

However, there is no universal rule when choosing aromatic plants to grow in a green setting. Each plant has its own needs and the choice of composition must be based on research and experimentation . We therefore invite all lovers of greenery and cooking to experiment with different combinations of aromatic plants in their plant paintings and to share their results and experiences.

In any case, if you are a lover of cooking and aromatic plants, growing in a vegetable framework HOH! it can represent an innovative and sustainable solution to always have your favorite herbs available. Don't miss the opportunity to create a green and decorative corner at home and to discover all the properties and curiosities of aromatic plants.

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